Pastor Dr. James W Freeman
The Reverend Dr. James W. Freeman is presently the Senior Pastor of the Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church, where he has served faithfully since December 1989. In addition to being a full-time pastor, Pastor Freeman is also active in the New Home and Durham Missionary Baptist Association, having previously served as Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Head of the Missionary Auxiliary, Young Adult Department and President of the Sunday School Convention. He continues to serve in an advisor to the present leadership and Executive Board.
Pastor Freeman's early educational years were in the Bertie County Schools. After completing his secondary education, he attended LaSalle Extension University in Chicago with a concentration in Business. After accepting the call into ministry, he furthered his studies through Mason Chapel Bible School of Alta, VA. Pastor Freeman has become the consummate bible scholar by consistently attending annual conventions at Hampton University Minister Conference, General Baptist State of NC, and Lott Carey Convention. For his years of dedication, Pastor Freeman was awarded the Honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree in 2018 from the International Bible College of Burlington, NC. Pastor Freeman continues to share his love of the Gospel by mentoring countless other ministers.
​Pastor Freeman is a loving and devoted under-shepherd who serves with an unequaled diligence to his calling. Through many challenges he remains steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.​​​​Pastor Freeman is married to the lovely, First Lady Norma Freeman. He is also the proud father of one daughter Darlene and grandfather to Brittany and Chloe. His declaration of faith is: NEVER GIVE UP!

First Lady Norma Freeman
First Lady Norma Freeman has faithfully served the church alongside her husband. In addition to fulfilling her duties as First Lady, she has also served as President of the Gospel Chorus, President of the Missionary Department, and a member of the Kitchen Committee. Her other roles include being a Sunday School Teacher and an ordained Deaconess. She continues to bless the church with her service, leadership, and wisdom. Pastor and First Lady Freeman are the proud parents of one daughter, Darlene Freeman-Bailey, and the adoring grandparents of two beautiful granddaughters, Brittany and Chloe Bailey.
Pastor's Doctrinal Statement
Belief in the verbal plenary inspiration and authority of the Scriptures. I believe that the Bible reveals God, the fall of man, the way of salvation, and God’s plan and purpose in the ages.
Belief that the King James Version of the Bible is God’s Word for the English speaking people. Supernaturally inspired and preserved by God, so that it is inherent in the original manuscripts.
Belief in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit: The One Triune God.
Belief in the deity, virgin birth, vicarious death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Belief that salvation is “by grace” plus nothing and minus nothing. Christ became sin for us that we might be justified through faith in His shed blood and accounted righteous before God.
Belief in a pre-tribulation rapture of the church and a pre-millennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ to earth.
Belief in the everlasting conscious blessedness of the saved in Heaven and the conscious punishment of the lost in Hell.
Belief the church exists for the purpose of preaching the gospel to the world and training disciples for His glory.